Kernel updating : export gpio not working ?

Mylene Josserand Mylene.Josserand at
Wed Feb 27 05:51:21 EST 2013

Hi everyone !

I am currently updating the kernel of my company and I have some 
problems about gpios so I am asking you some help ! :)
I think I am in the good mailist because it is the first time I update a 
kernel and a board configuration ! :D

The previous kernel used was and I am trying to update it to 
last stable version 3.7.9.

In the previous kernel for a "home-made" board (with a IMx27 and a 
ARM9), we used these methods to export gpios in sysfs (for example for 
Gpio OUT) :

mxc_gpio_mode(gpio_number | GPIO_GPIO | GPIO_OUT);
gpio_request(gpio_number, name_of_gpio);
gpio_export(gpio_number, 0);
gpio_direction_output(gpio_number, gpio_value);

In the sysfs, the gpio exported was visible under "name_of_gpio".

Now, if I use the same methods, I can not get anything in sysfs except 
"gpiochip0, gpiochip32" etc.
I tried to use these functions in a module and I could export a gpio but 
under "gpioXX" and not "name_of_gpio". Moreover, I tried to export a 
gpio using the sysfs interface. I succeeded to export it and set 
direction to "out" but when I try to set the value, it did not work and 
the value is always set to 0 (and this gpio was configured as OUT in the 

I make a diff about the gpio documentation and the old kernel used did 
not seem to have many differences with the new kernel ! There is only 
some methods added such as "gpio_resquest_one" and "gpio_export_link". I 
tried them without good results.

What am I doing wrong ?
What am I missing to make it work ?
Is there some other configurations to add in the board configuration ?

Thank you for any help/explanation !


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