Developing environments used for kernel development

amit mehta gmate.amit at
Wed Dec 23 09:45:19 EST 2015

On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Daniel. <danielhilst at> wrote:
> Well, no body except Lucas, but I also had never researched for this
> like I'm doing right now. I think that the vim is still the more used
> editor for C programming on Linux.

Emacs has really awkward key stroke combinations; I hate it.
OTOH, VIM has simple key remapping if needed and has
awesome plugin support; Plugins such as YouCompleteMe,
NerdTree and TagBar turns vim into a blown up IDE, without
loosing any of the VIM's core features. It's amazing for me,
that, despite using VIM for about 8 years now, I still find
new capabilities of VIM. Even though, this [1] blog is about Emacs,
I totally agree with the author, that to learn Emacs or become
comfortable with Emacs, one has to spend 10 years or more with
it and and in my opinion this is equally true with any other technology.

Also, watch some kool tricks to make vim run on asteroid
by Damian Conway [2]


- Amit

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