YAFFS2 not part of Linux Kernel

Greg Freemyer greg.freemyer at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 12:13:12 EDT 2013

Pietro Paolini <pulsarpietro at aol.com> wrote:

>Hello all,
>reading docs and browsing internet I read that YAFFS2 is not merged in
>the Linux Kernel and that we should add it as a patch, the date is not
>write on that documents and I just tried to search YAFFS2 on the latest
>linux kernel source without relevant results. Then after a look on the
>www.yaffs.net I discovered a tutorial for merge it and I am sure, yes
>is not in the kernel tree.
>On the website they said is under the GPL license and I don't
>understand, why is not merged in the Linux Kernel directly ?
>It's just a curiosity, thanks in advance.

I don't know specifics, but when drbd decided to submit their code to the kernel for inclusion it took a tremendous amount of work on their part to get it into technically acceptable shape.

It's not like all they do is ask you if it's gpl.  They did deep into the code and make sure it meets the kernel devs standards.

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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