gcov tool data - for a specific kernel module

Muni Sekhar munisekharrms at gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 13:42:27 EDT 2018

Hi All,

I’m trying to use the ‘gcov’ tool for an out-of-tree kernel module.

For this, I configured the kernel with “CONFIG_DEBUGFS=y” ,
“CONFIG_GCOV_KERNEL=y” and mounted the debugfs.

I noticed that “file.gcno” file generated by gcc when compiling with
option -ftest-coverage. I’d like to know how to generate “file.gcda”?

I’ve few test utilities(ELF 64-bit LSB  executables and python test
scripts) to test our driver. I’d like to understand how to get the
code coverage data for my driver on running my test scripts, can
someone please clarify me on this?

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