New member

Jonathan Jin jjin082693 at
Sun Jan 25 16:43:24 EST 2015

On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 01:29:10PM -0800, Robert P. J. Day wrote:


Additionally, here are a couple more resources that I've personally
found helpful in my studies of Linux kernel development:

- The Eudyptula Challenge (;
- Greg KH's "Linux Kernel in a Nutshell" (;
- Robert's own "Linux Kernel Development".

There's an utterly mind-boggling amount of free -- or, at the very
least, affordable -- information and resources out there; it's one of
the benefits of our field and, I believe, of working in open-source in
general. As a fellow newbie to Linux kernel development, I definitely
recommend taking full advantage of it. 

As Valdis, Robert, and company have said, simply showing up out of the
blue and asking something along the lines of "can someone help me get
started" comes off sounding dangeorously close to asking to be spoon-fed
-- not a good impression to make, especially a first one.

Jonathan Jin

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