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Martynov Semen semen-martynov at
Mon Apr 9 13:56:15 EDT 2012

Good afternoon,

I would like to understand, why I can't make the built-in object, when my code is in a folder /samples...

I have my module-code and if I put it in a folder /samples, I can receive only loadable module (.ko) but if I want to receive the built-in object - it turns out nothing (.ะพ-file is created, but my code doesn't get in a kernel). When I allocate my module-code in any other folder (for example, /drivers) it works normally - I can receive .ko and I can make the built-in object.

Question - why I can't receive the built-in object when my code is in the folder /samples? What instruction in a make-file restricts it, and how?

P.S.: Sorry for my english.
Best regards,
Semen A Martynov.

Saint Petersburg, Russia.

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