intro / Ed W8EMV in Ann Arbor MI

Edward Vielmetti edward.vielmetti at
Sat May 27 23:01:52 EDT 2023

Happy to find this mailing list. By way of introduction -

I'm Ed W8EMV in Ann Arbor, MI. Got my tech license
in 2010 at Maker Faire Detroit, and upgraded to General
in 2016.  Long time shortwave listener before all of that,
and I got started with ham radio software with Phil
Karn's "KA9Q NOS" in the late 1980s using it at the
U of Michigan to explore the early Internet.

Most of my radio time is on 2 meters, or on digital
modes like DMR, or listening using KiwiSDR receivers
around the world or locally using GQRX.

I am not an experienced Fedora user for all that - most
of my command line time is either on MacOS or on a Pi
running something Debian derived - but I do have quite
an interest in finding and supporting software that enables
amateur radio operations. In particular I'm hoping to put
together a Fedora laptop system for my shack to plug
various SDR devices into for remote access.

I found some resources, namely these

If there's any other places where I could dive in to ham
radio software supported on Fedora, I'm interested in hearing more.

tnx es 73 de Ed W8EMV
Edward Vielmetti +1 734 330 2465
edward.vielmetti at
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