How is 'addr_space' filled in the pcie endpoint controller device tree node?

Chan Kim ckim at
Wed Jun 21 10:19:28 EDT 2023

Hello linux experts and users,

When I analyze
The struct dw_pcie_ep contains a member msi_mem and the driver generates msi
interrupt by writing the given data at that address.
(see line 533 of the dw_pcie_ep_raise_msi_irq function)
So that address (ep->msi_mem) is the host address (probably GICV3's ITS's
GITS_TRANSLATER register address) that the host has told the endpoint.
But when I trace the code how the msi_mem (virtual address) is decided, I
see (in processing order in the dw_pcie_ep_init function) :

	res = platform_get_resource_byname(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM,

	ep->phys_base = res->start;
	ep->addr_size = resource_size(res);

	ret = pci_epc_mem_init(epc, ep->phys_base, ep->addr_size,

	ep->msi_mem = pci_epc_mem_alloc_addr(epc, &ep->msi_mem_phys,

the allocate function allocates some port of the "addr_space" range and
returns the virtual address (and fills the second argument with physical
Then is this 'addr_space' filled by the boot loader? How can I know the
host's ITS register range seen from the endpoint? (I mean the host PCI
bridge will have a translation function that converts upstream PCI address
--> host CPU's physical address, or IO virtual address if the host uses
IOMMU betwen the PCIe and ITS).
Any comment will be really appreciated.
Thank you!

Chan Kim

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