Oops stack trace missing function addresses

Alexander Kapshuk alexander.kapshuk at gmail.com
Fri Oct 16 08:27:52 EDT 2020

On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 2:49 PM Adrian Larumbe <fromago at gmail.com> wrote:
> > OK, I'll bite.  You *are* getting the function name and offset, what additional
> > knowledge do you get from knowing the VA?
> I was hoping to use the VA to calculate the C source line where the
> fault happens, by substracting the function's VA from the module load
> address as revealed by cat /proc/modules, adding the offset within the
> function and then passing the offset to addr2line.
> I've just realised I might as well load the module object file into gdb
> and do 'info line *(func+offset)'.
> But how would I do this just with addr2line ?

scripts/faddr2line path/to/module.ko symbol+0xsym_offset/0xsym_size
would give you the C source line referenced by the offset.

> > What architecture is this on?  Stack unwinding is architecture-dependent, so
> > it may just be the unwinder for that arch doesn't output the virtual address.
> It's a QEMU VM, 'uname -m' claims it's i686.
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