Test the kernel code

Adam Zerella adam.zerella at gmail.com
Fri Oct 4 23:52:12 EDT 2019

On Fri, Oct 04, 2019 at 10:07:21PM -0500, CRISTIAN ANDRES VARGAS GONZALEZ wrote:
> Hello
> I am starting to develop the kernel and I have been compiling the kernel,
> now it has been compiling for some time now. When a patch is added, should
> everything be compiled again? Or is there a different way to test the code
> that has been written?

>From what I understand you'll only have to build the _entire_ kernel
once and subsequent builds should be faster. The build process should
rebuild modules that have a detected change in them.

You may be able to build the kernel a bit faster by running the process
in parallel. make has an argument of `-j` where you can specify the number
of CPU cores to utilise, for example `make -j4` would build with 4 CPUs
in parallel.

To build an individual kernel module you can specify something like `make

Checkout (no pun intended) https://kernelnewbies.org/KernelBuild for more info.

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