Diploma project with the Linux kernel

Boian Karatotev boian4o1 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 14:44:14 EDT 2018


I am a Computer Science student and for my last year I need to make and
present a 'diploma project' at the end of June. So far I want to make a
kernel module, whose description is in the following paragraph. I feel
comfortable with C and my OS knowledge is maybe slightly better than my OS
course. My question is: Would it possible to pull this off? I have no
experience with the kernel and I want to get into kernel development, so
this would be a perfect opportunity for that. My only issue is that this
may be too complex for my experience.

My idea: Something along the lines of checkpoint-restart as a kernel
module. I want to ultimately be able to migrate a running process to a
different machine (assuming same at least some basic similarity). I know of
BLCR <http://crd.lbl.gov/departments/computer-science/CLaSS/research/BLCR/>
and I am planning on using it as a guide, although I am unsure about
working on it directly. As far as I know, the grading process does not
require this to be 100% complete, so I am aiming at transferring at least
all the memory, restoring file descriptors and maybe child

I will really appreciate any feedback!
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