What all are the drivers those get compiled with the kernel?

Dipanjan Das mail.dipanjan.das at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 22:42:42 EDT 2017

There are numerous drivers present in the 'drivers' directory of Linux
kernel. The kernel source for any Android mobile device [e.g.
https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/msm/+/android-msm-2.6.35] is, too,
not an exception. Definitely all the drivers are not relevant for the
chipset which the mobile device is built on.

It leads me to believe that *not* all the drivers which are present in the
kernel source for a mobile device are built and shipped on commercial
phones. Given the kernel source, how can one figure out what all are the
drivers those get compiled for that particular mobile device?


Thanks & Regards,
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