U64 Ordering in File System Code of Btrfs

anupam kapoor anupam.kapoor at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 02:12:59 EDT 2014

>>>>> [Thu, 28 Aug 2014 00:54:47 -0400]: "nick" (nick):
,----[ nick ]
| Hey Guys,
| Thanks for the help so far. I am wondering after reading the btrfs
| code for certain functions there seem to
| be a lot of u64 variable and function returns of this type. Is this
| common in file system due to the disk
| being in a certain format and depending on the CPU being big or small
| endian that this needed to not reorder
| the disk parts that are being read into main memory and preserve the data's ordering?
| Cheers Nick 
on disk format is little-endian.

have a look at https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Main_Page for
more information. 

kind regards

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