Why the niceness is not always taken into account ?

Kristof Provost kristof at sigsegv.be
Tue Apr 16 07:03:43 EDT 2013

On 2013-04-16 10:35:05 (+0200), Alexandre Laurent <alexandre.laurent at uvsq.fr> wrote:
> My problem is that in some cases it is not working at all. It works
> fine if I am running both programs in the same instance of the 
> terminal,
> or from a script (so, same instance of interpreter). But this is not
> working if I am running the instances in separate SSH session. When I
> say it is not working, both instances will take 24s to run and the CPU
> usage is just shared between the tasks.

Is it possible that you're running systemd or something else which is
configuring cgroups?


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