AppData for Ham Radio related applications in Fedora

Ryan Lerch rlerch at
Mon Jul 14 16:34:15 EDT 2014

Hi all,

I am working on getting the AppData (the files that help populate the 
software application in fedora) to a much better state for Fedora 21. 
There are a bunch of amateur radio related applications that don't have 
appdata done yet, and just wondering if there is interest on this list 
to help write some of it.

Basically, all that needs to be done for each application is
* a one-line comment of what the tool does
* a 1-3 para longer description of the tool and it's features
* links to 1 or more screenshots from the tools upstream

If you are able to help me out, (i would write these, but my ham radio 
knowledge is pretty minimal)
feel free to email me direct, and i can give you a couple of apps to 
generate the data for.


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