<p dir="ltr">Hi !</p>
<p dir="ltr">I had read a lot of book and link about initialization of the boot starting of linux.</p>
<p dir="ltr">I read that , after the post by the bios the mbr is loaded in memory which routine load this sector ?<br>
In this sector of 512 bytes we have 440 bytes for a routine what is the function of this routine ? When this routine is executed ? The 2 bytes with 0xAA55 what is its function ? Who load it in memory ? And the all book i had read said the mbr load the loader grub How ? And the grub launch the kernel, ok . How this grub is load ? By which programm ? <br>
So, i would like that someone give me the names of routines, the order of their launching and which load or execute what until the grub exécution ?</p>
<p dir="ltr">Thank you for your help.<br>
Greg i am waiting a lot from you !</p>
<p dir="ltr">Best regards<br>
Gnoleba GNOGBO</p>