<span style="font-family: courier new,monospace;">HI Team,</span><br><br><font face="courier new,monospace">Trying to make this code work; but some how it is entering the if condition mentioned below.sock_buff is still a NULL Pointer.I can see that Function was registered with the Ipv4 Hooks. Any ideas/scenarios where the sock_buff remains as NULL Pointer??? Testing this code by trying to do ssh with this machine.<br>
<br>Any Help is really appreciated !!<br><br>#########<br>static struct nf_hook_ops netfilter_ops;<br>struct sk_buff *sock_buff;<br><br>unsigned int main_hook(unsigned int hooknum,struct sk_buff **skb,const struct net_device *in,const struct net_device *out,int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff*)) {<br>
sock_buff = *skb;<br> if(!sock_buff){<br> printk(KERN_ERR "Entered unexpected loop \n");<br> return NF_ACCEPT;<br> }/* Check for sk_buff NULL */<br>}<br>int init_module()<br>
{<br> netfilter_ops.hook = (nf_hookfn *) main_hook;<br> netfilter_ops.hooknum = NF_INET_PRE_ROUTING;<br> <a href="http://netfilter_ops.pf">netfilter_ops.pf</a> = PF_INET;<br>
netfilter_ops.priority = NF_IP_PRI_FIRST;<br> nf_register_hook(&netfilter_ops);<br> <br>