Looking for advise

Rémi ESSAISSI remi at remi.lu
Wed May 15 07:58:22 EDT 2024

Well :) you asked for it !

We are some Linux users stuck with a USB/VGA-HDMI device,

the FL2000 : https://github.com/FrescoLogic/FL2000

the driver "did" work once (kernel version)

Perso I havent had the time yet to read that book .

I am sure more than one will thank you if you could look at it, me one 
of them !

Le 15/05/2024 à 13:50, Jules Irenge a écrit :
> I am looking for advice on what to do after reading the Linux device 
> driver book.
> Someone suggests I get a beaglebone and write some i2c driver to get 
> hands-on experience,
> I will consider that.
> Any other suggestion will be appreciated
> Thanks,
> Jules
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