Unable to manually bind driver

Isaac ckl.isaac at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 14:23:07 EDT 2020

Hello everyone,
I'm currently going through the task 05 of the eudalypta challenge. I
thought my implementation didn't work, so I tried testing a a person's
solution on github
<https://github.com/agelastic/eudyptula/tree/master/task5>. However, I am
still unable to manually bind the USB device to my driver. Here are the
steps I did.

1) Use* lsusb -t *to find the bus and port USB device was connected on. It
was *1-3*.
2) Went to *sys/bus/usb/devices* and found that *1-3 *was bound to
*drivers/usb* using *tree*.
3) Used *echo 1-3 > unbind* to unbind it.
4) Went to *devices* folder and checked if it was still bound. It was not.
5) Went to the directory of my own driver, named *hello_driver*.
6) Tried to do *echo 1-3 > bind* but got the error message *echo: write
error: No such device*.

These instructions are based on LWN.net Manual driver binding and unbinding
<https://lwn.net/Articles/143397/>. One suspicion I have is that this
simple USB driver doesn't support the USB device I am plugging in (a USB
flash drive). I actually have no idea.

Many thanks for your help.
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