What is the fastest way to build and boot a kernel

Manoj linux at manojrajarao.com
Tue Apr 25 09:15:30 EDT 2017

Code Soldier1 writes:

> Hi,
> Can someone suggest what is the fastest way to build a minimal kernel
> and boot. For example if I am working on TCP and would like to make a
> small change and reboot, what is the fastest way, I rather not build
> the whole kernel.
> Thanks

FWIW, check this out if you want to have a setup to make
incremental changes to your kernel and test them out quickly.
It describes a quick and easy setup to test kernel changes on an
emulator without acutally rebooting your machine (helps with initial


I use this setup for testing out small/quick changes. As mentioned
earlier in this thread, compilation for incremental changes should not
take long.



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