how to use wait_event_interruptible_timeout with less than 1 jiffie timeout?

Anupam Kapoor anupam.kapoor at
Wed Jan 20 08:27:27 EST 2016

>>>>> [2016-01-20T13:55:54+0530]: "Nicholas Mc Guire" (Nicholas):
,----[ Nicholas ]
| that would still have the same limitation with resepct to time granuarlity
| and as Documentation/timers/
ah yes, that's true.

,----[ Nicholas ]
| if you really need very short delays then you will need to resort to hrtimers
| (and thus be to some extent config dependent) usleep_range(min, max) is the 
| prefered interface in that case.
any specific reason why schedule_hrtimeout(...) cannot be used ?

kind regards

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