What is my i2c device slave address?

Woody Wu narkewoody at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 00:39:11 EDT 2015

I am recently porting an i2c touchscreen to my board which runs ARM linux
3.1.  I found I need to setup some device platform data for the i2c chip,
among which there is an 'addr' field that I dont understand.  I search the
device driver code, then I know the address will be used when compositing
some i2c messages. My question is that how do I know what the address I
should fill in the field? The datasheet of the device doesn't provide an
answer.  By the way, the touchscreen is actually an Atmel mXT224 i2c
multi-touch screen panel, which is wired to a Samsung S3C i2c controller in
my SoC.

Thanks in advance!

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