Better testing when patching divers/staging/ - howto?

Mandeep Sandhu mandeepsandhu.chd at
Fri Sep 5 16:31:25 EDT 2014

> I/O is usually your limiting factor on kernel builds, not CPU time.  You
> want to keep those CPUs "full" of stuff to do, so give them things to
> process while the i/o is completing from other tasks.

Yes, this makes sense as compilation is also quite I/O bound due to
reading files to compile from disk.

> But as always, try it out on your system to see what works best for you,
> maybe your system is CPU bound on kernel builds as you are running out
> of a tmpfs (hint, even then I've found that you want to have more jobs
> than the number of processors...)

I will. But thanks for the tip! :)


> thanks,
> greg k-h

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