out-of-tree configuration

john bougs bogusemail98230 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 18 11:13:35 EDT 2014

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 7:31 AM, Anders Darander <anders.darander at gmail.com> wrote:

Well, from your first email, I got the impression that you tried to move an in-tree module out of the kernel tree. 
What 3rd party module is it that you're building, that is delivered to you in a state to only allow in-tree builds? That's a pretty uncommon situation. 
Are the config options you need to be set something that only this module knows about, or are they something the rest of the kernel knows about? 
> Without  trying to sound confrontational, why not build it out of tree?
Well, there's nothing wrong to build a true 3rd party module out-of-tree. It might very well be your only choice due to a number of factors. 
Though, if you can get it upstreamed, you'll win in the long term. 


I'm playing with a module off of github -  fbtft.   All the config is local to the module.  


Well, from your first email, I got the impression that you tried to move an in-tree module out of the kernel tree. 
What 3rd party module is it that you're building, that is delivered to you in a state to only allow in-tree builds? That's a pretty uncommon situation. 
Are the config options you need to be set something that only this module knows about, or are they something the rest of the kernel knows about? 
> Without  trying to sound confrontational, why not build it out of tree?
Well, there's nothing wrong to build a true 3rd party module out-of-tree. It might very well be your only choice due to a number of factors. 
Though, if you can get it upstreamed, you'll win in the long term. 

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