opening a file second time using vi on LCD console hangs the system

Jonathan Neuschäfer j.neuschaefer at
Tue Jul 29 04:54:00 EDT 2014

On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 04:38:52AM +0000, Chan Kim wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using fbconsole on the LCD using USB keyboard.

Does this also happen in ssh sessions into the same machine?
Does it happen inside terminal multiplexers such as tmux and screen?

> I open a new file using vi then edit, write it, and exit. Then second time I
> open the file using vi, it hangs.

Does it happen if you open a different file, too?
Does it happen with different editors?

> with [1]+ Stopped (tty input) message.

This message usually means that you pressed Ctrl-Z, which suspends the
current process and lets you return to your shell.
You might find out more about your problem by playing around with
strace, a tool that traces all system calls a process performs.

Hope that helps,

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