Memory profiling tools for Linux Kernel

Pietro Paolini P.Paolini at
Fri Apr 4 07:56:42 EDT 2014

On 4 April 2014 02:45, Kumar Amit Mehta <gmate.amit at> wrote:
> I was looking for some tools for memory profiling for Linux Kernel. I
> I wish to analyze the memory usage statistics by comparing the results
> (with and without the usage of Lookaside caches) by the consumer (Say
> a certain driver).I found some tools such as kmemcheck[1] and KEDR [2]
> but before I go further and explore these tools, I was wondering if
> somebody has already used these tools to acquire similar statistics
> or I should try out some other tool.
> [1]
> [2]


>kmemcheck will probably not help you with memory usage statistics. It
>may help you find certain programming errors (use after free, use of
>uninitialised memory, etc.).

>The slab allocator exports some information about memory allocations
>that may or may not give you what you need. Try e.g. 'sudo slabtop'.

I have got one question regarding that, how can I understand which function is asking for memory in the size-*
cache names present in the output of /proc/slabinfo/ slabtop ?


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