Linux Kernel Development

Alexandru Juncu alex.juncu at
Sat Sep 8 23:32:15 EDT 2012

On 9 September 2012 06:15, Kaushal Shriyan <kaushalshriyan at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am interested to contribute to linux kernel development process. I
> have been working on Linux for the last ten years and have been a
> great fan of Linux OS since beginning. Any good references to start
> learning C and understand the linux kernel source code.
> Regards,
> Kaushal


You could start by looking through the site of this community [0].
They have some pointers.

You should take a look at this video [1] first. It's a brief intro on
how the Linux Kernel community works.

But first, you should be familiar with C programming (it's good if you
did some system programming in C). If you have the basic C experience
and if you want to go onto kernel programming (not that hard) you
should try reading some books (I would recommend these [2] [3]).

After that, use the source! And if you get stuck, ask around (here,
for example).

Good luck and happy hacking!


Alexandru Juncu


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