How to measure performance inside Kernel?

Graeme Russ graeme.russ at
Fri Feb 10 22:44:50 EST 2012

Hi Peter,

On 02/11/2012 11:22 AM, Peter Senna Tschudin wrote:
> Jeff,
> Thanks for the fast reply. My goal is to determine if the code:
> /* * */
> buf_ptr_end = q->bufs[q->num_buffers];
> for (buf_ptr = q->bufs[0]; buf_ptr < buf_ptr_end; ++buf_ptr)
> 	buf_ptr->state = VB2_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED;
> /* * */
> is faster than:
> /* * */
> for (i = 0; i < q->num_buffers; ++i)
> 	q->bufs[i]->state = VB2_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED;
> /* * */

For starters, I would not be surprised if the compiler produces identical
code, and if not, code that has the same performance...

> I'm measuring the running time of that portion of code 512 times. Then
> calculate the geometrical mean of results. See one output example:
> Original_code:,
> The geometrical mean of the values is: 104.7623578604
> Isn't it enough?

That sounds like a perfectly good methodology - It would be interesting to
see how many reps are required before the mean settles down to a constant
value - Maybe you don't need to run it so many times, or maybe you need to
 run more...



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