Debug linker with GDB

Mulyadi Santosa mulyadi.santosa at
Thu Aug 16 12:04:54 EDT 2012

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Geraint Yang <geraint0923 at> wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I am debugging the dynamic library linker in kernel with gdb, when the
> kernel is going to execute a program which uses *.so, the linker will be
> loaded and load other required libraries before the program is executed,
> because the load address of ld(linker) is 0x00000000, the kernel will load
> the linker in a valid address, for example 0x6fee5000, gdb fail to resolve
> the symbol table.
> I wonder if there is any method to fix the base address, so gdb can resolve
> the symbol table correctly.

I am not really sure if you really meant to debug .so....

anyway, maybe you wanna need to check /sys/module/<module
name>/sections... check ".symtab" section.


Mulyadi Santosa
Freelance Linux trainer and consultant


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