freeing locks acquired by kernel thread?

Asim linkasim at
Wed Apr 4 11:50:23 EDT 2012


I have a driver thread that I kill using do_exit(SIGKILL) upon
exception. Unfortunately, I do not see it releasing all locks when it
exits and I get a lockdep trace. The exit_sem() code does not seem to
free my mutexes.

I was wondering if there is way I would make sure I have release all
locks before I issue do_exit.

I tried to walk the locks in the current thread using this piece of
code I've written:

struct task_struct *curr = get_current();
int i, depth = curr->lockdep_depth;
        for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
                printk("\nLock: #%d:\n ", i);

                printk("[<%p>] %pS\n", (void *) (curr->held_locks +
i)->acquire_ip, (void *) (curr->held_locks + i)->acquire_ip);

                lock_release((curr->held_locks + i)->instance, 1,
(curr->held_locks + i)->acquire_ip);

I am able to print the lock correctly (address and IP). But I get "[
BUG: bad unlock balance detected! ]" and "but there are no more locks
to release!". And then when I call do_exit, I get unreleased locks
message for the same locks. This makes my module unusable, atleast the
codepaths where these locks lie (both within and outside my kernel(say
locks in sysfs)).

If anyone has had success in clearing all locks of a thread upon exit,
or has a pointer to such an existing code in kernel it would be


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