Please correct this code

Sri Ram Vemulpali sri.ram.gmu06 at
Mon Jan 31 11:23:09 EST 2011

I have following snippet of code.

Code A

__asm__ __volatile__(
                      "   lock       ;\n"
                      "   addl %1,%0 ;\n"
                      : "=m"  (my_var)
                      : "ir"  (my_int), "m" (my_var)
                      :                                 /* no clobber-list */

Code B

 __asm__ __volatile__(  "decl %0; sete %1"
                      : "=m" (my_var), "=q" (cond)
                      : "m" (my_var)
                      : "memory"

In Code A memory contents are getting updated. And in Code B memory
contents and 'cond' var are getting updated.
In Code B in cobbler column 'memory' is used to indicate that this
code modifies memory contents. But where as in Code A it was not

Is is not that Code A is wrong, for not mentioning cobbler list
'memory' to indicate memory contents are getting updated.
Please rectify me, if I am wrong.

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