Debugging the linux kernel core dump

Mulyadi Santosa mulyadi.santosa at
Sat Aug 6 13:50:50 EDT 2011

Hi Akash...

On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 12:06, Akash <email2akashjain at> wrote:
> Thanks Malyudi. Thats sounds like a reasonable approach. I did try to search
> kernel-debug RPMs for my kernel could not find any. May be I should just
> keep looking.

AFAIK too, in Ubuntu and its derivatives, kernel related packages are
likely named "linux-image".

So maybe you could try that name prefix too.... a hint: since you use
openSuse, try to use zypper "search" facility, so that you could
reduce mistakes

> On that note, I wonder what is the difference between kernel-base,
> kernel-default, kernel-devel, and similar other RPMs.

most of the times, anything named with "kernel" and "devel" usually
means a package that contains the kernel headers file and others
needed to compile a kernel module or anything related to kernel stuff.
it's a stripped down version of full blown kernel source.

kernel base? kernel default? no clear hint there...


Mulyadi Santosa
Freelance Linux trainer and consultant


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